Monday, March 7, 2011


No, I'm not talking about old food, paper, and empty containers. I'm talking about my secret addictions: Real Housewives (of everywhere but Atlanta and New York, I can't really get into them). My ultimate fave, is obviously the original: The Real Housewives of Orange County. My second favorite is New Jersey. Beverly Hills and Miami are tied for next in line, well I haven't really watched Miami, but I kind of dug Beverly Hills. Anyway, I'm addicted. I always watch all the marathons and reruns. It doesn't bother me if it is fake or real, it is so entertaining. It really is the only trashy TV that I watch. I loathe Jersey Shore; I can't stand the Bachelor and the Bachelorette; you won't catch me wathing Teen Mom 2 or any of the other crappy MTV shows (Real World), most of these shows are just for people to drink, have sex (or who have had sex and now have children), and do illegal things without getting caught. The message it sends out is irresponsible.

Anyway, that is the only garbage that I watch. Speaking of garbage, I have to stop putting garbage into my body. Ugh, Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred is only SOMETIMES something I can do. I need to treat my body like a temple and let the only garbage in my life be the kind in my trash can and my Real Housewives television.

I don't have much more for today.

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