Sunday, March 18, 2012

Trying Out New Things

I've always wondered how people manage to not wash their hair EVERY SINGLE DAY. I've wanted to try it and see what it might do for my hair. I don't think my hair is oily, and I don't think my hair is dry. I think it is in between. I don't think my hair is thin, and I don't think it is thick (although hair dressers tell me it is thick). It isn't straight, and it isn't curly, it's kind of wavy. If you can't tell I have this amazing in between hair! I'm actually okay with my hair. It's pretty long and I'd like to keep it that way. I also don't color it or heat style it. I might, and I say MIGHT straighten or blow dry it 5 times a month. I know, crazy right? I really want my hair to stay super healthy and super long for as long as possible.

Anyway, today I didn't wash my hair. I didn't want to go to church with wet hair (it was cold and was potentially going to rain) and I've had a super lazy Sunday. It has kind of worked out for me today. It doesn't look gross and as of this last hour it has finally gotten tangly and awful
(yes the Disney movie Tangled should have been written about my hair). So I swept it back in a giant claw clip and I've called it a day.

Things I've learned from my one day experiment:
1. My hair can maybe, maybe, if I'm not working out because I sweat like a 400 lb man, go every other day without shampoos.
2. I have really good hair. I know, I'm kind of being cocky and obnoxious but I realize that my hair is pretty awesome all on its own.
3. If I continue my experiment, then maybe I could save money on shampoo and buy fancier kinds.

My second experiment of the weekend. I'm not going to use the phrase that makes my experiment a no-go ("leggings as pants"). Okay, I said it. Anyway, I've lost 20lbs and I really like to wear leggings, especially because I don't own skinny jeans yet and it's been raining and I can only tuck leggings into boots. Anyway, I have long v-necks and cutesy sweaters and I've been digging the combo that I wore today (and I wore it to dinner yesterday - yes I'm not okay with only washing my hair a few times but I'll wear clothes over and over before washing). If you see me out in a "leggings as pants" outfit and don't approve, please let me know.

This experiment has taught me:
1. This only works with black leggings. It is not as cute with my grey ones.
2. I should probably try and find more black leggings.
3. It only works with tall boots and if my butt is covered.

Those are the only experiments that I have I have done this week.

My mom and dad are coming to visit this weekend. I'm kind of excited.

And finally, I'm like every other blogger out there and my coworkers and I are all really digging this song:

Happy Sunday!

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