Monday, February 20, 2012


I am trying to figure out where I want this blog to go. I want it to be for me, but that sounds so selfish. I want it to benefit me and also benefit anyone who takes the time to read it; whether they are people I know personally, or just all of you in the blogosphere. I am big on fitness and being healthy, but I truly don't think that making my blog all about my health and fitness, and any follies that come with it, will be feasible, it is too limiting. I am not a fashionista and I am not one to post photos of myself, since I have a mediocre camera, and usually do not put too much effort into my appearance. I know, I am sorry for those of you who are not as naturally beautiful as I am. I'm not sure how you deal with it. Just kidding, I like the way I look with or without makeup; with or without my hair done; in jeans and a tee or all dressed up. And in many ways, some of my random ramblings don't ever seem to make sense even to me. I may be MIA as I figure out how I want this blog to go and grow.

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