Wednesday, April 20, 2011

can you see it?

I can feel/see my body changing. I am so much stronger from doing these Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout.s I have definition in my biceps, I have more stamina, I do better planks and crunches. The number on the stupid scale won't budge, but if I can notice a difference SOMETHING good is going on.

Today should have been a bad self-esteem day. I was feeling good, ready to go for my run when my stomach started rumbling. If you run often, you know that running gets your innards moving out. If you catch my drift. I hate on my run feeling like I need to use the bathroom. I was happy, its always better to go on an empty tummy than a full one. Then it got worse. I was changing and couldn't wait, I had to use the bathroom. Normally you feel better or relieved, not this time. I felt worse. I said let's walk it out. I then had Chris pick me up. I couldn't manage. So I bought saltines and some carbonated water. Calorie and carb wise such a bad choice, but I chose to make up for it.

Come Level 2, 30 Day Shred. I've been trying to keep track of my exercising and my eating, not a real diet but a conscious awareness of it. Overall I think I am moving in the right direction. Two thumbs up for me today.

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