Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We Love our Grandma

In Loving Memory of...

Eleanor Gertrude (Valdez) Bensen


Grandma Mo

September 21, 1921 - June 19, 2011

Grandma and I at my college graduation. Don't let the wheelchair fool you, she was feisty.

Grandma and me.

Dani and Grandma clowning around.

Danielle, how sweet and innocent, with Grandma.

The other granddaughters, Sarah and Katie with Grandma.

Katie and Grandma

Katie, Dani, and Grandma.

Grandma and one of her crafts.

Grandma and her roses.

Grandma and Grandpa

Saturday, April 23, 2011

twelve years

And nothing has changed. Well, except that everything has changed. My grandmother has missed a lot in our lives and I miss her a lot. Last night I was watching the "Girls Night Out" special honoring some of the greatest women in country music. I went to bed after Miranda Lambert performed, she is my fave, but then when I woke up, I heard that Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill had performed this (my grandma's fave) and it is so fitting:

Here is one of my favorite pictures of her and I (my grandma, not Carrie Underwood):

(Yes that's little baby me. Maybe around 6 months old or so?)

It is kind of perfect that this anniversary is falling on Easter weekend. Anyway, I miss you grandma Pat, but I know that you would love everything all of us are doing these days. I hope we are making you the most proud grandmother ever. I wish I could remember your voice, and I wish I could have spent time with you as an adult. I hope I still look like you as some people have said.