Showing posts with label grandparents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandparents. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Public Service Announcement

At the gym, this song came on my Ipod and I chose not to change it. Some would have passed it up for something more upbeat, but I kept it. I was, luckily, at the end of my work out, but I wanted to bask in a moment to remember my loved ones who have passed, especially my grandparents.

Cryin' For Me (Wayman's Song) by Toby Keith on Grooveshark

My sister and I are lucky little girls (although we are not so little anymore). We grew up with six grandparents. My mom's parents had remarried before either of us were born. I thought that six grandparents was the norm and could not figure out why other kids only had four.

I want you to remember, no matter what, to love them and hug them. Let them tell you boring stories, ask them questions about their lives, and when they want to spend time with you, do it. You never know when they will be gone. Someone I know is always blowing of his grandparents, and not to sound like a geek, but I could ring his neck, because I'd do anything to spend 1 more day, heck, 1 more hour with each of my grandparents.

Grandpa Harvey: October 10, 1933 - January 14, 2012
Grandpa Harvey is my mom's dad. I don't know as much about him as I do my other grandparents, but I can give you some information. He had 3 sisters, and was adopted with one of his sisters as a kid. He grew up in North Dakota, lived on a farm, married my grandma, and then my aunt, mom, and uncle were born. They moved to California and the rest is history.

Grandma "Mo": September 21, 1921 - June 20, 2011
Grandma Mo, or Eleanor as others would call her, was my dad's mom. She was a nurse in the army, that's how she met my grandfather, during World War II. Her and my grandfather were married for 62 years when he died, and they only spent 10 days apart. She tried to teach me how to crochet, she helped foster our imagination, and made the best cookies. No peanut butter or chocolate chip cookies compare to hers.

Grandma Marlene: December 3, 1937 - August 2, 2010
Grandma Marlene is my mom's step-mom. She married my grandpa Harvey WAY before I was born. Lucky for her (and for me) her children didn't have children until after my sister and I were born, and I was the first girl. Most of her jewelry, although sometimes cheesy, costume jewelry, was passed to me before she died (by her) and I knew she'd have gems when I went to pick out what was hers that I wanted. I wear a ring that was hers almost everyday. She always bought our Christmas dresses for us and who wouldn't love a grandma that had to have a second bedroom so she had an extra closet!

Grandpa Gerry: September 23, 1918 - February 25, 2008
Grandpa Gerry is my dad's dad. I can't tell you the number of life lessons he taught us. He was in the army, during World War II. As you may recall, he met my grandma after he was injured. He fostered a love of tomatoes and ketchup in his granddaughters (lucky man, only had granddaughters). I'm sure for my dad and aunt and uncle it was a different story, but when things went wrong or when you did something wrong, it was always advice. Not a scolding, but help for making things better next time. His words of wisdom, helped with some of my weakest moments in life.

Grandpa Fred: March 21, 1930 - March 16, 2007
Grandpa Fred was my mom's step-dad. He was a Coquille Indian, and said he fought a grizzly bear. I have no proof, but it makes for a great story. He was an outdoorsman, loved camping, loved his grandchildren, and his dogs. Abbey and Dillon were his pride and joy, especially after my grandma died. When Abbey died his heart probably broke in two. His stories were always far fetched and outlandish, but you never knew if they were true or not.

And finally...

Grandma Pat: May 16, 1933 - April 23, 1999
Grandma Pat. The one we lost way too soon and without warning. The one I couldn't say goodbye to. My mom's mom. The one that I miss the most. The one that my heart still breaks thinking about. All that she missed. I can remember the last few conversations she and I had. I can remember the gut wrenching feeling when my dad told me she had died. The pastor at the church where I got confirmed said that I was the cookie cutter version of my mom and my grandma. I'm sure she would have never admitted it, but I was her favorite.

I can't find the video, but I remember a commercial where a grandchild was supposed to pick up, or go see their grandmother, and they didn't because they were doing drugs. I've ALWAYS every time I've seen been angry and upset. Especially since it came out not long after my grandma Pat died. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

So, remember to love your grandparents, no matter what. No matter how crazy they drive you, no matter how busy you are, and no matter how much you don't want to. Spend time with them, as much as you can. Remember, some of us don't have that time anymore.

And because I'm not always sad, mostly just nostalgic, I've been digging this song, a lot:

Everybody Talks by Neon Trees on Grooveshark

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Peacefully Resting

I'm not sure when you consider something luck, as I've always considered it, or, if it can change and become unfortunate circumstances. I always thought it was normal to have six grandparents. I found it odd the first time I heard that most kids only have four. I was very confused by it. Then I came to realize, or maybe my mom told me, that I was so lucky and loved to have six.

I'm only 25, and I'm so jealous when I hear of my coworker who is my mother's age that still has her grandmother around. I'd give anything, and I make it know to Chris about his brother, to have my grandmother back. I was only 12 when she died, and thankfully the rest of my grandparents were able to see much more of my life.

My Grandpa Harvey died yesterday. It was rather sudden, although he had been sick. I had talked to my mom Monday and she had said that he wasn't doing better, and that he wasn't doing worse, so we were optimistic. Unfortunately, he had a heart attack, and when he was resuscitated, and put on the machines, my mom, aunt, and uncle made the tough decision of pulling the plug. He didn't last more than 15 minutes or so.

I'm sad for many reasons. I'm sad for my loss and my family's loss. I'm sad because I don't have any grandparents left. I'm sad because I'm not as close as I could have or should have been to him. I know he loved me and I know he knew I loved him, but it is still a sad thing for all of us. I'm even more sad that I can not find a single picture of me with him. I can't find one that we're both even in with other people. I'm glad when I was visiting my family at Christmas I was able to see him. I didn't envision it to be my last time.

One of my other grandparents died in June. I enjoy running, and it is a good release for me, and I have found that I do my best running when I'm first initially feeling grief.

Remember to spend time with your loved ones and always tell them you love them, no matter what.