Dear Vacation: Couldn't I be leaving today?
Dear Cute Bathing Suits: Please be on the racks in my size this weekend. I'm tired of find THE ONE and it being too small or too big.
Dear San Diego Weather: It is July, did you not know that? No more of this June Gloom and May Gray. Please and thank you.
Dear Bachelorette: Emily, you make me want to throw up. I mean, I think you're cute, and all, but something about you drives me crazy. And get it together, Arrie is a creep, Jef is a baby, and Sean is where it's at. Enough said.
Dear Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream: I was craving you for weeks and thought I could go without, but I couldn't. So I caved and now you're all I think about. The worst part is, you're not even my favorite!
Dear Life: Let's kick it in to high gear. I want to have some fun and smile more. I mean, I smile a lot, but I want more reasons to smile.
Dear Country music: Thank you for getting me through each and every day. You make my head and my heart smile. I really need to go line dancing or something, because I really keep thinking about it.
Enjoy your weekend!
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