Thursday, April 26, 2012


Is it Friday yet?

Linking up with Leslie
for Confessional Friday.

1.  I'm using my injury as an excuse to not work out, even though I'm sure I'm fine.  I'm sabotaging myself.  

2.  I talk myself out of drinking soda these days but can not talk myself out of eating candy.

3.  Being lazy since my injury has been my favorite pasttime, even though I am super restless.

4.  I never want what we are having for dinner each night.  Even if on grocery shopping day I am really excited, I don't want it the night we eat it.  

5.  I look like I try hard and do something to myself each day; really I just put stuff in my wet hair and go to bed crossing my fingers that my hair looks alright.

6.  I've lost almost 30 pounds and like 3-4 pants sizes, and I still can't get past the fat girl mentality.

7.  "Don't Trust the B**** in Apt. 23" is one my new favorite tv shows, even if others think it is lame.

8.  A few years ago I talked myself into the fact that I don't like potato chips and cake, and now I could never ever give them up completely.  I'm not sure how I managed that one.

9.  I'm not supposed to be drinking diet soda (especially Diet Coke) because I had given it up, but I pretty much have one (Diet Dr. Pepper) once a month.

10.  I never thought I'd wear or want skinny jeans, but I really want more than my one pair.

Thanks for confessing with us.
Go link up!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Guilty Pleasures in Life

I'm not quite sure why I feel like being a list-y kind of blog night, but nothing eventful happened today other than that I am in more pain, and I did a light, yoga weight loss workout.  

I'll be back in the gym tomorrow (light, easy, and let my body get back up to speed).  

Without further ado, my guilty pleasures.  

I can thank my father for this love.  
I remember as a child going to Lumberjack (it was like a more small town kind of Lowe's or Home Depot) with him, or the baseball card shop, and eating Raisinets.

I like to imagine since they are "fruit" they are healthy.  
Calorie wise, they do have less calories and fat than regular candy.  
I try not to make them a habit.  

It's been perfected at Starbucks.  
Or Peet's, but usually I get it at Starbucks.  

When I was a student in college, once a month, I would get one of these and a pastry for my "treat" and "cheat" day.  So delicious.  Now that I'm a cheap skate, after the gym, if I need a pick me up (since there is a Starbucks right there) I get a Blonde roast coffee w/ a pump of sugar free vanilla syrup, and add my own milk or creamer.  
Much cheaper, same flavor.  

I used to make my mom make this for all my birthdays.
I'm not sure why this stopped, I wish it wasn't such a calorie bomb and time waster to cook.  

I love french toast!
It is my vacation breakfast of choice.
In fact, I remember last time that we went to Ocean City, I had it almost every morning we went out to breakfast.

Banana french toast is delicious.
Especially with a coconut syrup.  
Trust me.

Probably one of my favorite movies.
It is my go-to for when I need a pick me up.
"Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed."

I might still look up to "Woods COMMA Elle" for all adult advice.

No, I am not 80, but this show is hysterical.
Chris loves it too. 
I even have 3 seasons on DVD.  

I'm going to have to get the rest.  
RIP Bea, Rue, and Estelle.  Stay strong Betty!

MUSIC - 90's Pop Radio on Pandora
My sister got me hooked.  
I'm also a fan of the 90's Alternative Radio.
90's is where its at. 

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why I Have Been Absent

I wish I could tell you my blog absence was because I was on an exciting vacation.
That I was writing a novel and had to spend time away.
That I was a super spy and on an international mission doing something top secret.
That I took a week off to do just what I want to do.  
However, none of that was true.

Come Thursday afternoon, lots of pain.  
Visit to Urgent Care and a diagnosis of:  shingles (pre rash), strained muscle, or possibly kidney stones, but not likely.
I went home, tried to rest and went to work the next day.
Friday, it was worse, but manageable.  
As the day went on, it got worse and worse.  I couldn't sit, couldn't stand, could hardly walk, and looked like I was tilted to the right.
By joint consensus of Chris and my mom, I went to the emergency room, spent 6.5 hours there to be told:
you have some fluid around your liver but everything is normal, here's some super strong pain meds.  
This is me, post IV w/ pain medicine, pre CT (somewhere between 8 pm and 11 pm):

Anyway, I am perfectly fine, and feeling so much better.  
Chris and I had some laughs:
1.  I have like no heart rate.  It is always super even, and doesn't vary.
2.  My blood pressure is on the low side of the spectrum, once again, Chris finds it funny.
These two things substantiate what his father always teases me about:  that I have no heart.
3.  The people in the ER are crazy.  Yes, I'm in lots of pain, but my pain on a scale of 1-10 (9) is worth way more than this girls 4 (which turns out to be menstrual cramps and she still got the same pain meds as me, you wonder why people are addicted to prescription drugs??  I've only taken 1 pill, but I bet some people take them all).
4.  I'm not fat.  The nurse said I'm this height and that weight too, I guess I'm not fat, because you're not.  
5.  Drawing blood = no problem; IV = problem. 

Happy Tuesday, hopefully no more hospital visits for me.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Music Tuesday

I didn't plan on having new music Tuesday on the day that this CD actually was released, but sometimes perfect timing happens.

I've always loved Jason Mraz.
His music makes me smile and always has.

This CD came out today and I can not wait to purchase it.

I really love this song, and its the only song that I'm glad the radio station I listen to plays more than once a day.

Enjoy my new music Tuesday.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

There is Good in This World

Sometimes I get caught up in my selfish ways, or I get caught up in my life, and don't notice the things around me. Yet, when I do they hit me like a ton of bricks.
Chris and I went to get dinner. We were in line, behind a man. I wasn't paying very close attention, just patiently waiting my turn. I then saw that he wasn't speaking and was writing down what he wanted. I then realized, he was deaf. I'm a pretty patient person and I wasn't really bothered by it. When it was finally our turn, the man gave us free sodas for our inconvenience. I wasn't inconvenienced in any way. In fact, it broke my heart to think that had there been anyone else in line, they would have been upset.

The man at the cash register and the girl behind the counter went above and beyond what anyone would have expected of them for this man. I assume he regularly frequents that place, because they were so nice and kind to him. Much more than any other people would be.

As I've been thinking about it, and I can't stop thinking about it, I also don't think they made him pay for his food. I just think that this world needs more people like this, and less people who would become impatient or irritated with this man. All he wanted was food, who knows what other circumstances his life has handed him (poor, alone, etc.) and these employees were beyond kind and amazing. Words can not even begin to describe how I felt in there. I started tearing up and every time I think about it I start to cry (I'm a crier, what can I say), tears of happiness for such a loving and kind way of treating people, and tears of sadness for those who don't get treated this way.

Thank you Miguel and Jenni at Rubios (even though you may never read this) for restoring my faith in humanity.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today is where your book begins

the rest is still unwritten.

I'm an avid magazine reader.
My sister bought me a subscription to Cosmopolitan for my birthday last year, and now I get mine for free as long as she renews hers.
I always buy InStyle.

Then I passed this at the store and had to buy it:

May's issue of Glamour.
I love Lauren Conrad.
I loved Laguna Beach and The Hills.
She's so pretty, without looking like a harlot or a skank.
She is so successful and I think compared to other reality stars and celebrities, she is a good role model.

I feel like she has been a little out of the spotlight, but these photos are so fresh and refreshing.
I mean, don't you wish you were her?
I love this bathing suit, by the way.

I've also read all the books she wrote in the LA Candy series.
Yes, they are easy reads and yes, they are cheesy, but I like them.
I can't wait to read her new one, for fun, maybe a beach read on my vacation in July?

I really want this dress and those shoes.

Purple shoes are a must.

She looks so young and youthful.
She doesn't look like drugs and alcohol have ravaged her body, (or had tons of plastic surgery a la Heidi).

Can I have this bathing suit?

Go pick up the May issue of Glamour.
She seems pretty down to earth and normal.

All images are courtesy of: Glamour

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He Is Risen!

He is risen, indeed, Alleluia.

The most important thing about today is that it is Easter Sunday.

"The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen just as he said.'" Matthew 28:5-6.

"But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. 'Don't be alarmed,' he said, ' You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.'" - Mark 16:4-6

"'Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Luke 24:5-7

All from the N.I.V.

Thanks to Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and we do not need to die, because of His death on the cross.


I made Chris take a picture of me in my new dress.
I really love it.
I actually still get myself a new Easter outfit just like when I was a kid.

Happy Easter!

The print:

My shoes, that I love, but hurt my feet so much.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One of Those Days

I have had one of those days where I can only share humorous videos and hope they put a smile on your face like they did mine.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Summer 2011

We finally bought our tickets for our summer vacation.
We are finally going back to Ocean City, MD, not to be confused with Ocean City, NJ.
I am so excited. We wanted to go last year and couldn't make it work, but this year we can.

Ocean City is across the Chesapeake Bay from Baltimore and the surrounding areas. It is an island/peninsula that is its own little world. On one side is the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other side is the Chesapeake Bay. If you go far enough north, you will end up in Delaware.

I can not wait to see this beautiful place again:

Even with all the crowds of people.

And work on my tan.

Possibly spend some time on the bay side.

This is the view from BJ's on the Water.

Of course we could get into some crazy shenanigans and run into a mustache night:

We were wearing these mustaches before it became all the rage.
I think I even brought it home with me, but I have no idea where it is.

Rooftop view from the boardwalk of a kids play area.

I also plan on spending A LOT of my time doing this:

Where are you going on your summer vacation?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gerry & El

The two most inspiring people, in my life, were my dad's parents.
Grandpa Gerry and Grandma Mo.
They grew in a completely different world from my other grandparents, and always told us about their lives.

Grandpa Gerry was born in Chicago, had 8 brothers and sisters, and grew up during the Great Depression. They didn't have lots of money, and many times ate white bread and ketchup. Not my idea of a high class meal.

Some time during the 1930s or 40s he joined the Army.
During World War II he was stationed in Japan, and as much as I'd love to know more about his stories from there, I don't. His lips were sealed shut about that part of his life. All I ever saw were the photos he had and the Japanese flag that hung in their spare room. I think based on what we know about war, we can imagine how he ended up with that flag. He was injured and while in the hospital, he met up with the most amazing woman I have ever known, my Grandma Mo.

She was a nurse in the Army.
Let's go back, she was born in Los Angeles, and her mother died when she was 9. Her life was much easier than my grandfathers growing up, but her family was not rich by any standard.

They were married in 1946 and only spent 10 days apart the entire 62 years they were married.
Every day for 62 years they spent it together. Maybe, occasionally, one would leave the house without the other, but for all intents and purposes, they were together.

Why do they inspire me so much?
They loved each other no matter what. They might get irritated or upset, but they always loved each other. I imagine they never went to bed angry. My grandparents put everyone else's needs before their own. One day a week when I was in elementary school and junior high we went over to their house for breakfast. Once a week, usually, they would make us homemade "tv" dinners that we reheated. They went to every school event, sporting event, piano recital, etc.

They were usually smiling, and they didn't like it if you weren't.
They always said as long as we did our best, nothing else mattered.
When my life was flipped upside down by something I am unwilling to discuss here (SORRY) my grandfather always told me it would be okay, and that I needed to love that person, and that that person loved me. He was right.
Usually, all they wanted was a phone call or a hug.
I hope I gave them enough.

They were strong Christians, Lutherans to be exact, to their dying breaths.
They went to church every Sunday (had their own part of a pew) and many members after my grandfather had passed and my grandmother was unable to attend, wouldn't sit there.
They did their morning and/or nightly devotions and prayed every night.

It is hard to describe why else they inspire me, but I am always inspired by their love for one another, their love for each other, and their love for Christ.

Go check out everyone else's inspirational blogs.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I'll Love You Tomorrow

I found this blog over the weekend and love it.
Her and two others are hosting this:
I'm excited to join in to be inspired and inspire others.

My former roommate had a baby today.
Congrats to her and the new addition to her family.
Her and her husband will be great parents.

Today was a typical Monday.
Busy at work.
Had to get up super early to take the C-man to work, and didn't go back to sleep once I got home.
We were unable to get tuna steaks, so we settled for Subway for dinner.
They gave me the wrong sandwich.
But I went back and got another.
Mostly irritating.
I'm a nice person though, so I didn't even cut in line for them to remake my sandwich.
They gave me free cookies, which I gave to Chris.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

This Week

It isn't as though it is a shock that it is Palm Sunday.
I just tend to lose track of time, even though I go to work every day, go to church every Sunday, and happen to pay my bills on time, I just have trouble counting 40 days from Ash Wednesday (plus Sundays) and remember what day Easter is.
I'm feeling under the weather, but I am glad that I went to church today.
My church gives out a G.P.S. for us to use during the week if we so choose. It stands for Grow.Pray.Study.
It is usually short and to the point, and perfect for first thing in the morning, or right before bed. Although I have other devotionals, and access to a large amount at my fingertips online, I think these are perfect. It applies the message from Sunday to the rest of our week.
This week: Transformed by Christ.
I don't want to look at it and ruin it for the week, I just know that it is based off Philippians 2, and that we have to go down to go up. Just like Jesus washed the disciples feet before he was led to the cross.
I really want to try to be more like that. I feel so passionately about things and yet I don't think I always act on these things. So, I want to try and be better. Have a better relationship with Jesus, be a better girlfriend, a better daughter, a better sister, and a better friend. To enjoy the life I have and to remember to be thankful for things, because I could have less.
Welcome to Holy Week.

My favorite Holy Week/Good Friday/Easter modern, Christian song: