Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I need Vitamin C, Lots of Tea, and Big Bowl of Soup
Monday, May 30, 2011
My Top Workout Songs
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Reasons Why I Love San Diego
Friday, May 27, 2011
wash your mouth out with soap, try and keep it clean
Oh and by the way, check out my sister's blog. She's not going to be able to update all the time, but while she works at Shoshone Base Camp, part of Lutherhaven, in Idaho, you'll see tons of neat stuff.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I guess I have to
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Rants, Raves, and Random Thoughts
Others might argue that having snow in the winter, whether a lot or a little, makes Maryland the preferred state:
I however, much prefer this version of California: (Carlsbad, Northern San Diego County)
Anyway, this post does not really have anything to do with these photos. If you've been watching the news, although it is hard to get past all the terrible storms, the Supreme Court told California that they have release 33,000 inmates. I am a firm believer, in you do the crime, you do the time. I also am a death penalty supporter. I know that seems callous, but I believe in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth.'" - Matthew 5:38
Anyway, back to where I was headed. My coworkers and I were having a discussion on this topic. How are they going to decide what inmates to release? Violent criminals? No. Drug related offenses? Only if it was marijuana. Fraud, embezzlement, identity theft? Definitely not, they ruined people's lives. Rapists, child molesters, sex offenders? No, maybe, yes, no. It really is not going to be that easy. Now here is my opinion on the issue with the California prison system.
1. We are a HUGE state. Of course we will have more crime and more criminals; it is how it will work. You can characterize it to illegal immigrants or not; Hispanics or whites; blacks or Asians. I am not even going to go there. It does not matter. Clearly we have more of it all. That's all there is to it.
2. With all these people, or criminals as they are known, they do some particular crime. Let's being with possession with intent to sell cocaine. Maybe you only had a small amount, but enough to show you were dealing. Perhaps you're not a drug addict. Maybe you are. For now, we punish you, you're put in jail, but it is a felony, so you are in jail and you parole. You don't get in trouble, you lay low, and you're out on parole. Well, since California does not REHABILITATE its prisoners, you might still be a drug addict, or you might not have proper skills because you were only in the system so long and can't find a job. Say it's been a few years and you decide, I need a gun for protection. Well, you're a felon, that's not really an option, you break parole and they bust you for felon in possession. Well, now you're stuck. Depending on any other mitigating factors, maybe you have 3 strikes and now you're in prison for a determinate amount of time, maybe for your life. Realistically, you're not a violent criminal. You had the gun, you didn't use it, that anyone knows of. So, we can't let you go, or can we?
3. We're overcrowded and we don't rehabilitate people? Great, what else is the problem. Look, I am not a sympathizer to any criminal, BUT we put some of them in positions to fail and end up back in jail. It might not be their "direct" fault, but it is still so unfortunate. So Jim molests his neighbor's daughter. Wrong, very, very wrong. It happens once, and never again. He goes to prison. Since it only happened once, he is paroled; no rehabilitation, but as a parolee he has responsibilities. To register as a sex offender, he can not live or work so many miles from a school, and his work has to be so far from work when he first paroles and is on probation. Okay, great. Jim finds a job, not the greatest, but one that is willing to look past his sketchy decisions from before. He registers as a sex offender each year. He tries to find a home (he began living with his mom and then moved on his own once he found a job). Mom lived by work, but nowhere near a school, but he could only stay for so long. Ok, he is ready. Well, he tries to find an apartment; nope too many kids in the building. Down the street is an elementary school. He tries, so what does he do? He lives 5 miles over the distance from work he is allowed. He doesn't know if he should ask for special permission. He then violates his parole/probation and ends up back in prison. Now, did he really, truly do anything wrong this time? Some say yes, some say no. I say both. Yes, he should have spoken with his probation officer or someone, but, sometimes, as we know with any job, they are no help. He was stuck. Should he be let go? I say yes. My coworkers say no.
4. Remember when that one woman from the "Manson Family" asked for clemency because she was dying of brain cancer and was denied? How about others in a similar position? Say they did not do quite what she did and the rest did, but they shot someone. I say no they should not be let out, but I know there are people who would say, oh they are just going to die, who cares? What if they don't and they are young (this woman was old) and they continue to do such bad things? I still say no.
5. Another kind of inmate. You were convicted of a DUI and gross involuntary vehicular manslaughter. You did not purposely kill someone; you made a poor choice (having one too many drinks), and you hit someone. Yes, wrong, but not the same as choosing to shoot someone. Say you're serving a 15 year sentence of some sort and maybe it is determinate, maybe it isn't, and you could be let out on good behavior. If it is determinate, and you've served 13 of the 15 with no risk to society, should they be let out? I think probably, more so than a truly violent criminal. And if you have an indeterminate sentence, and you could be paroled after 10 of the 15, and its been 8 years. I still think you're a better candidate than a violent criminal. However, the options have to be weighed as they would be for any parole considerations.
I believe they have 2 years to figure it out. That's really not that long. I'm not sure, I just think I'm going to lock my doors and hope for the best. I hope that they are able to make the best choices. I know they'll have to be fair, but focus on the safety of those who they will be moving into the neighborhoods of. And maybe we wouldn't have these problems if we properly rehabilitated our parolees. Maybe we'd have less 3 strike inmates and less death row inmates.
Monday, May 23, 2011
My Guilty Pleasures...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Back in the Swing of Things
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Viva Las Vegas
Dani, Mom and me in front of the Venetian. This is my favorite hotel/casino. It is so realistic like Italy. I would love to go to Italy for real.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Baby Can I Get Yo Numba?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thoughtful Tuesday... and Things I Want to Read, Do, See, etc.
- I want to read Emily Griffin's books, "Something Borrowed," "Something Blue," "Baby Proof," "Love the One You're With," and "Heart of the Matter." However, since the movie for "Something Borrowed" is coming out soon, I have a feeling getting them from the library will be a lost cause. And I only buy certain books, because, books are expensive.
- I want hats. I can't always pull them off BUT I have a pretty wide face and forehead, and since I have these lovely bangs now, I think I pull it off better. Anyway, I want a straw fedora, a big and floppy black hat (or a straw one), and a straw cowboy hat.
- I really want to want to play the piano, but that's been really hard. A complete lack of motivation and not really wanting to deal with a sore back and shoulders.
- I want to dress like a celebrity on a pauper budget. That's possible right? Yeah, just nod and smile while you read this, it could happen.
- Oh and I really want this pale denim, ruffled maxi-dress from Forever 21 that was only $12. I'd like to wear it with a tan belt, and gold jewelry. Thanks, I bet its gone now. Oh well, I'll check it out this weekend. I'm just tall enough to wear a maxi-dress, which is perfect for me. Long torso plus short legs equals perfect for a maxi-dress. The above mentioned midget sister, yeah, no luck for her. Sorry.
On a final note about the little sister, I joke with my boss and my coworkers that I will always be able to overpower and beat up my "little" sister because she will ALWAYS be smaller than me.